Coordination of acceptance letters, et al : at Internal:Speakers/Categories
All submissions are listed on abstracts. Please put you shortcut under accept or reject. At Categories submissions are sortes for accept or reject.
- Regularly have a look at OTRS cfp-queque
- Finish accepted message template
- Create a Template at the Proceedings for accepted ones
- Determine which people really need funding (please add priority)
- Send rejected or accepted message
- Announce and find more people to help
Speakers: potential | abstracts | reject | accept | Categories | List | Timetable
See also: Internal:Call for papers, speakers invitation template, standard response
Names: A=Angela, JW=Jimbo, EM=Erik, P=Patrick, J=Jakob, SJ=SJ
+ accepts = maybe - declined . no response ? no message sent
Wikimedia Community
Wait for CFP results before recruiting people, except perhaps for legal panel:
- Aurevilly, Michael Snow, other Wikipedians
- soufron? "must speak about something" (promised to submit 2 talks, --elian)
Reference works
- Britannica : Jimbo's EB biz cards [JW?]
- Jimbo's co-speaker form June ALA conference [JW?]
- Tim Bray [SJ] (-)
- Brockhaus [presroi] (-)
- Encarta (Gary Alt?)
- Mirrors?
- H2G2 [A?]
- PlanetMath
- MathWorld
- Bamber Gascoigne / history encyclopedia [A?]
- WordNet
- Organizers of big national encyclos (Chile, Iceland, Holland?)
eLearning, journals
- Free High School Science Texts [A?]
- MIT Open Courseware [EM?]
- Reuben Puentadura - Argentine edu/online refs [SJ .]
Libraries, museums, archives
- ALA, 'net librarians : Jessamyn West [SJ] (perhaps)
- LoC... Frankfurt-area/German national libraries, museums
- Brewster Kahle [SJ.]
- Ismail Serageldin (Lib of Alexandria) [A?]
- German Library Assoc. [P?]
- Paul Ginsparg [SJ] (resend)
- Project Gutenberg [A?], Distributed Proofreaders [D?]
- Lars Aronsson (Runeberg) [J?]
- Paula from BBC archive [A?]
- Tutorial on library classification systems [J, P?]
- Long-term preservation [J, P?]
- FreeDB
- PubMED
(Citizen) Journalism
- Jay Rosen, NYU journalism prof [SJ] (pending)
- Dan Gillmor [EM?]
- Indymedia, preferably non-western
- OhMyNews
- David Winer
- Joi Ito / Technorati [EM?]
- Iran:
- Hossein Derakhshan (aka Hoder) -- interested in participating, even in helping find people for a Global Voices panel. Not sure about travel. Sj
- Jon Udell
- Meanwhile, I've learned that my wife has a conflicting business travel thing then, and it's her turn, so I might be here on childcare duty. I'll know more in a week or so.
- Regards, Jon
- Sj 00:25, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Edu, Research, Academia
- Tim Voelker
- IBM History flow: Martin Wattenberg [?, SJ] (mayyybe/no)
- Physicists: t'Hooft [x, SJ]
- "Though I can't come to the Frankfurt conference, I am sympathetic towards the Wikipedia project. where does the name come from?" Replied. Sj 00:26, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- Economics: Jeremy Tobacman [., SJ] (maybe)
- Law : Yochai Benkler [SJ]
- James Grimmelmann [x, SJ] (conflict)
- Collaboration: Vala (from it:), German academic papers
- Other: Andrew Lih
- Ross Mayfield, WeMedia
- Sociology: ?
- Marketing/Communication: Robert (from auburnwiki) [SJ] (paper solicitation)
Free Online Scholarship
- Open Archives Initiative / Open Access Movement
- OAI and Peter Suber [J, OTRS]
- IBM/First Monday: Andrea Siphillaley?, Martin Lawthenberg, Fernanda [A?]
Search, directories
- ODP [A?]
Social tagging, metadata
- - lead developer?
- Clay Shirky [EM?]
- Flickr
- MusicBrainz [J?]
- Lessig [SJ], Moglen [EM.]
- Gov't lawyers: Bundeszentrale? [presroi, now?]
- Till Jaeger [EL?]
- Gabriele Beger [P+] about Digital Rights and international copyright law (best on friday)
Multilingualism, Translation
- Sign language: Wolfgang Georgsdorfer [E?]
- Esperantists [SJ] (interest; conflicting conference)
- Multiliingual wikipedians; panelists? Arno, et al.
- Ono Susumu (Tamil - Japanese efforts) [SJ .-]
- Ethiopic, getting the language online ( [SJ] (resend)
- Language Preservation / Linguistic Diversity (Lots of links here)
- JotWiki: who? [JW?]
- Socialtext: Ross [SJ] / Peter (better?) [SJ .], Sunir [EM]
- Directmedia : who?
- MW devs : Brion. TimSt, can he come? who else?
- Ward Cunninghame [SJ] (ye...)
- TWiki, Peter Thoenen [EM?]
- MoinMoin, Thomas Waldmann [EM?]
- Thomas Sporer ( ) [J, OTRS] - knowledgebay is a project founded by students who record and collect lectures with audio and video.
Developing World
- OSI : EthanZ? [JW?]
- People from every project/lang
- Wizzy Digital Courier: Andy Rabagliati [SJ]
- Censorship panel... who?
- Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul or other gov't official [presroi?]
- UNDP [J?]
- Global Voices [joi?]
- Böll-Stiftung [P?]
- Ask Miguel De Icaza, RMS for contacts
Free culture, Copyright, Politics
- Richard Stallman [SJ] (not a keynote invite)
- Lessig/Moglen, again (See above)
- David Weinberger [SJ .=]
- Tim B-Lee [SJ] (a paper solicitation) (JW could do this, since he knows TimBL)
- Joerg Tauss, other de politicians [Elian]
- Linus Torvalds [EM.]
General / Ideas
- Volker Grassmuck
- Karl La-Grange (W3C)
-, ?
- Dev-world : Danny?
- Keynotes: Stallman?
- Business: Community-promotion expert?
- Deathmatch: D. Gelernter [SJ], Tim Berners-Lee, Linus Torvalds
- Ralf Szymanski, Kilian Kißling from Directmedia about the production process of the german wikipedia CD and DVD [Elian] - invited & seem interested
HackFest potentials and abstracts
- Magnus! on nunupedia, whiteboards, et al.
- Tim Starling. Devs outside Germany. Kate?
EK-CD2 | Eugene Kim & Chris Dent | Transclusion: PurpleWiki implementation and history | none | sj | FEATURES | They have lots of experience with this; getting it to work standalone, with movabletype, on various systems. Lots of background conceptual work with Engelbart et al. |
TING1 | ?? | Simultaneous editing of wikifiles | none | - | FEATURES | Some TING developer should come speak about this, how it is growing, roadmaps for it and for integration... standard wiki features it is hard to implement in simul-mode. |
IC1 | ?? Fen Labalme? a coder. | Identity sharing and verification. Identity Commons et al; related XDI/2idi APIs | none | sj | FEATURES | ... |
MW1 | Brion + N? | MediaWiki roadmap : priorities, plans, ideas, deadlines for the coming year | none | - | MEDIAWIKI | A good source of discussion and on-wiki/on-list debate before the conference. Sj |