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From Wikimania

SM1: Stefan Magdalinski

Title: Wikiproxy (ID SM1)

  • Language: English | License:
  • Room size:
  • Category:
  • type: short presentation (10-15min)
  • Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
  • Budget priority: {{{budget}}}

Author[s]: Stefan Magdalinski.

  • Contact: stefan@whitelabel.org [OTRS]
  • Contacted by: Angela
  • (From: UK | available days: )

I wrote the wikiproxy, http://wikiproxy.whitelabel.org/ , that dynamically adds wikipedia links to BBC News Online... and I've just written a simple API to allow people to create other dynamic applications, the first of which is a GreaseMonkey script for firefox that adds wikipedia to the rest of the web.

I'd love to come and talk for 10-15 minutes about the wikiproxy, other ways of dynamically linking to wikipedia to enhance websites (Greasemonkey, also http://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2005-05-26.851.0 ), and what amazing uses wikipedia could be put to, beyond being just the world's greatest encyclopedia, when we build some great APIs for it.

I hope I'm not too late.

My presentation will be short, won't have a lot of PowerPoint, but should be interesting and possibly even entertaining.

Addendum: I put in a proposal for a short talk, but I could easily do a 30 minute slot if it's available. I did some very interesting stuff using the wikipedia titles as a filter for classifying a bunch of free text documents that turned up some amazing results.

About the author[s]:

Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.

  • accept: AB (I've seen Stefan talk at the BBC and he was great), JV
  • reject:
  • status: