SM1: Stefan Magdalinski
Title: Wikiproxy (ID SM1)
- Language: English | License:
- Room size:
- Category:
- type: short presentation (10-15min)
- Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
- Budget priority: {{{budget}}}
Author[s]: Stefan Magdalinski.
- Contact: [OTRS]
- Contacted by: Angela
- (From: UK | available days: )
I wrote the wikiproxy, , that dynamically adds wikipedia links to BBC News Online... and I've just written a simple API to allow people to create other dynamic applications, the first of which is a GreaseMonkey script for firefox that adds wikipedia to the rest of the web.
I'd love to come and talk for 10-15 minutes about the wikiproxy, other ways of dynamically linking to wikipedia to enhance websites (Greasemonkey, also ), and what amazing uses wikipedia could be put to, beyond being just the world's greatest encyclopedia, when we build some great APIs for it.
I hope I'm not too late.
My presentation will be short, won't have a lot of PowerPoint, but should be interesting and possibly even entertaining.
Addendum: I put in a proposal for a short talk, but I could easily do a 30 minute slot if it's available. I did some very interesting stuff using the wikipedia titles as a filter for classifying a bunch of free text documents that turned up some amazing results.
About the author[s]:
Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.
- accept: AB (I've seen Stefan talk at the BBC and he was great), JV
- reject:
- status: