RB2: Robert Bonato
Title: Network Analysis for Wikipedia (ID RB2)
- Language: English | License:
- Room size: Medium
- type: short Presentation
- Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
- Budget priority: {{{budget}}}
Author[s]: Roberto Bonato.
- Contact: [OTRS]
- Contacted by:
- (From: USA? | available days: ??)
(See OTRS)
About the author[s]:
Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.
- accept: JV, AB (poster only)
- reject: Sorry, but the fact that country and place names are the most linked Wikipedia pages is not a particularly breathtaking revelation, and doesn't really have any relation to authority--it reflects the content, not whether it is trusted; the concept of authority within Wikipedia is different from the concept of authority within the World Wide Web. Articles are not linked to because they are particularly authoriative, they're link to because they are relevant within the topic scope of an article--even if they don't yet exist! There seems to be aserious underlying misunderstanding of the nature of Wikipedia. I would prefer this to be a paper only.-EM
- I'm also sorry and almost have the oposite opinion in all of your assumption here (maybe also about the "nature of Wikipedia" ;-). This should also indicate that further discussion is more productive than rejecting the presentation -- JV
- status: [Tentatively] accepted by JV