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From Wikimania

LANG1: Multilingualism Panel

Title: Language diversity in global projects (ID LANG1)

  • Language: ???? | License:
  • Room size: Medium/Large
  • type: PANEL
  • Budget requirements: {{{budgetrequire}}}
  • Budget priority: {{{budget}}}

Author[s]: Mediawiki (BV), Crao-/X-/TING wiki reps, UN/EU reps, OSI/RC reps; RTL, asian, & minority langs, Google translation-tool rep, et al..

  • Contact: [OTRS]
  • Contacted by:
  • (From: Europe, Asia... (Earth) | available days: ?)

A discussion of multilingualism and multiple language/charset/translation support on wikis. Examples from MWiki, TING and Craowiki (many langs in one; hiding lang content). Examples and contrast from other large orgs : Esperanto, EU, the UN; big NGOs and non-profits. Tools and pending breakthroughs: Google's new autotranslation engine, improved open source translation gadgets; ideas tried out on Meta, Commons, ideas for Universal Wiktionary.

About the author[s]:

Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.

  • accept:
  • reject: Good idea but we don't have submissions/authors for this. Looks like an idea for the next Wikimania conference
  • status:
  • comment: Needs a better description/?