
From Wikimania

FD1: Florence Devouard

Title: How to get Wikimedia into the developing world (tentative) (ID FD1)

  • Language: | License:
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Author[s]: Florence Devouard.

  • Contact: [OTRS]
  • Contacted by: Sj, Angela
  • (From: France | available days: )


I talked with hubby about wikimania this week. We came to the conclusion I could come, but I will be alone and him stay at home to take care of children... Due to family duties, I am not sure I will be able to stay the 4 days.

I would like very much to participate as a speaker, but to be fair, my participation will strongly differ depending on whether I am reelected or not. I think this should sound obvious to you as well. Problem is... I do not know what will happen ... until it happens :-)

I also terribly am behind schedule, as I am still supposed to finish the Quarto (2 weeks ago), have not prepared a word for my candidate statement, plus all the daily business generally. In short, there is no way a decent paper will be set before 2 days ago.

I would like to take time this week end to wander amongst the various workshops and so before trying to see if I could fit somewhere.

Do you think it is acceptable that I do not submit my paper in time, or what do you suggest ? I would like to do something about Africa and what we could do over there... but if I am on the board, it might be wiser to talk about board issues ? Perhaps a discussion on what the board should be/become ?


About the author[s]:

Status information in the templates is not up to date. Please see Internal:Speakers/Categories for final status information.

  • accept: AB, Elian (heard very enthusiastic reports from anthere as a speaker)
  • reject: JV (not in the official timetable, he can spontanously give a talk or something but without title/abstract... we cannot decide and plan)
  • status: accepted by EM under title above