Internal:Sponsor contract
14 February 2025
Sponsorship agreement
- Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
- 204 37th Ave N, #330
- St. Petersburg, FL 33704
- address
- address
[The above name will be used in all publicity/press material unless otherwise specified.]
XX agrees to support the Wikimedia Foundation for the organisation of the Wikimania Conference with xx EUROS.
- Account number 32 87 301
- Bank number 100 205 00
- Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, Berlin
- IBAN: DE75 1002 0500 0003 2873 01
The Wikimedia Foundation will in return (add/substract items when needed)
- publish the logo together with a short company profile on the conference website (
- include a leaflet provided by XX in the conference material which are handed out to each participant
- mention XX's support in Wikimania press releases
- permit XX to announce its sponsoring in own press releases and other publications
Agreed and accepted:
- Jimbo Wales: ____________
- XX: ______________