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From Wikimania

Please add every item you plan and its most precise prize here (hotel, flights for keynote speakers etc.) so we can include it in the budget (or discuss that you will never never get these rented rolls royce for receiving people at the airport ;-)

For those interested, the budget can be consulted here under an excel format (and :P to those who can't read it). Please do not edit and upload the budget again. Rather, go through this page to suggest changes that will be integrated as they have been discussed. If you find an enormous error, you can slap me 'cos I'm responsible for the thing

  • Last version : 23 February 2005


Keynote speakers

  • Ward : $2500 (+$3000)
    Business class Portland<-->Frankfurt $2000-$5000
    Hotel room, 3 nights @ $80/night $250
    4 days: breakfast/lunch @ $15/day, dinner @ $15/day: $120
    Incidentals, Wikimania gear : $50
  • 2 more speakers @ ~$1700

Total: $6k

Other speakers

15-18 speakers. Say 10 are from overseas (us/canada, africa, e. asia, australia), and we cover their airfare and breakfast/lunch, but let them pay for hotels & dinner.

  • Travel
    • 10 overseas speakers @ avg $1000 round trip : $10k
      • Tim Starling, ~1500$ Melbourne-Frankfurt round trip
    • 8 European speakers @ avg $450 round trip : $3.6k
  • Other
    • 3 days breakfast/lunch @ $50 (x18) : $900
    • Wikimania gear: $30 (x18) : $500

Total : $15k


6 real-time capable translators (en<->fr, en<->de, en<->es)

  • Travel within Europe @ $400 : $2.4k
  • Room/board in the hostel @ $100 : $0.6k
  • Incidentals, Wikimania gear @ $50 : $0.3k

Total: 3.3k

Invititations other

  • ca. 2 developers from the KDE project for the MediaWiki hacking days (they are inviting us to their conference in Malaga, too), should be travelcosts inside germany and accomodation in the HdJ