Fun and Games
- What was the first article ever to be featured on the Main Page of the German Wikipedia? (niawT kraM:rewsnA)
- How many beds are there in all in the Haus der Jugend? (003 revO:rewsnA)-->
- What is the average rainfall in Frankfurt during the first week of August?
Answer (or guess:) below
Rainfall in FRA
From the past year? Over the past century?
- Expected for this year. Come within 25% of the actual answer and you WIN!
Beds in the HdJ
- 320? Does this count beds for HdJ staff?
- Mmm, good question! Exact numbers are a bit of a secret, but we have access to 300 beds, if we fill them; and there are a few other people who will be staying at the HdJ for part of the weekend. Sj