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From Wikimania

Q: What is all this stuff about?
A: Read the Main Page

Q: When should I plan to arrive?
A: You can start checking in Thursday afternoon. There will be a welcome party Thursday night. The official conference begins on Friday; if you arrive Friday morning you won't miss much (except maybe a great welcome party).

Q: What about the developers' hackfest?
A: If you want to attend the hackfest before Wikimania, contact us and let us know. We have a more limited number of beds available for that. The hackfest will be Monday through Thursday.

Q: What should I bring with me?
A: A camera wouldn't hurt, especially if you're planning on joining the wikimob at the local museum. If you're planning on entering the media contest, you might bring a voice-recorder/microphone or videocamera.

Q: What will the Monday outings include?
A: We will start adding descriptions of outings over the coming weeks. These will include trips by car, and visits to local attractions.

Q: How much space will there be for luggage/gear at the HdJ?
A: At least the space under your bed :-) If you're planning on bringing something huge, for construction or display, let us know and we'll figure out where to put it.

Q: What are the essentials?
A: The bathrooms are common to several rooms, so to protect your modesty, you may want to bring a bathrobe. Also remeber to bring bathing slippers, your own towel, soap and what you would otherwise expect to find in a hotel. If you habitually find yourself in need of a coat hanger, remeber to bring them with along. Also bring any euro coins you may happen to have for the vending machines.

Q: Can I take photos and upload them to my wiki/blog/website?
A: Make sure you ask all people in any photograph before publishing it online. Some people don't approve of their image showing up on the internet! Likewise, if you explicitly don't want to be in any photos or video, please add yourself to the No-film list on Meta.